2018 Telchac Beach Cleanup

Published on August 22, 2018 by Sustentabilidad Vertical

Slide 2018 Telchac Beach CleanupOn Saturday 11th August, the 2018 Telchac Beach Cleanup took place in the community of Telchac Puerto, Yucatan. More than 200 people, between employees and locals, participated in the event. The purpose of the event – collect waste littered in the local beach – was organized as a contest, with the participation of more than 34 teams composed of 5 people each. This activity succeeded in collecting 1.5 tons of waste through 6 km on the coastline, that otherwise would end up in the ocean. At the end of the game and the waste collecting activity, we organized several sporting contests for our employees and staff and a sand castle contest for the small children to help incentivize good health and the care for the environment.